Passing it On!

Passing it On!

Passing It On! training updates from around the globe. Ukraine There is a strong desire to grow in discipleship and mentoring among pastors here. We conducted a Passing it On! training with a team of volunteers that serve among university students. Over two days, we...
Giving Tuesday 2015

Giving Tuesday 2015

Tuesday, December 1, 2015, is #GivingTuesday – a day globally dedicated to giving back and celebrating generosity.At MentorLink International, we are committed to developing leaders to lead like Jesus. This #GivingTuesday, you can partner with MentorLink...
MentorLink Canada Celebrates 10+ Years

MentorLink Canada Celebrates 10+ Years

Join us in thanking the Lord for over ten years of fruitful ministry and changed lives from the ministry of MentorLink Canada.     Also, thank the Lord for bringing Marvin Brubacher (pictured) to lead the work there as Executive Director.
MentorLink International Website Goes Global

MentorLink International Website Goes Global

Notice anything different on the MLI website recently? We’ve recently launched two subsites for ML Spain and Canada.   To check out these pages, locate and click on the desired country’s flag at the bottom right hand corner of the MLI homepage. Stay tuned...
Villagers Demand to be Baptized

Villagers Demand to be Baptized

Our ministry partners, Here’s Life Africa, report another amazing testimony after using 40 Days with Jesus to disciple villagers in Uganda: “In a village called Kyobusinge (Uganda), we discipled villagers with the 40 Days with Jesus video clips. Many...
Ethiopian Church Projects and PIO Seminars

Ethiopian Church Projects and PIO Seminars

Updates and information from MentorLink Canada Passing It On! Seminars!Last fall Executive Director, Marvin Brubacher, conducted local church Passing It On! (PIO) seminars with leaders from the Mount Zion Worship Centre in Toronto and King Bible Church in Ontario....