You Can Make A Difference…

Thank you for donating to MentorLink Canada. We will steward your gift faithfully for the glory of God

Three Ways to Contribute:


(directly from your bank account to the MentorLink Canada bank account using the email address below)

– Provide your name and address to which you’d like your tax receipt sent

– Indicate person or project your gift is for.


Credit card:

– Use your card on the following Canada Helps secure website – Canada Helps – MentorLink Canada

Or simply click here.

– When creating the donation, in the message to the charity space, indicate the person or project your gift is for.

– Canada Helps will issue the tax receipt for your donation.

Make your donation to “MENTORLINK CANADA INC.”


– Make cheques out to “MentorLink Canada”

– Enclose a note indicating the designation for a person or a project

– Mail to:

    MentorLink Canada

    P.O. Box 27025

    Cambridge, ON N1R 6G0


    (519) 240 5257