Movement Statement
What is MentorLink?
MentorLink is a movement of Christlike leaders and partner ministries committed to developing and reproducing leaders to live and lead like Jesus. We illustrate this through our Transformational Values. This means that we are a vision and values based movement.
What is our vision?
For every believing community, Christlike leaders – For every leader, effective Christlike mentors
What is our goal?
We serve and strengthen individuals and self-propagating movements that seek to reproduce leaders who live and lead like Jesus by providing mentoring, equipping and resourcing.
Who is involved?
MentorLink is an international network of leaders, ministries, churches, denominations, mission boards, Kingdom businesses, and NGO’s that share our vision and values to become more Christlike as leaders and to develop more Christlike leaders.
How does this movement grow?
We grow and reproduce through constant prayer, the leading of the Holy Spirit, relationships, group and one-on-one mentoring, training events, resource materials, trainers, and national teams.
What is true about us?
We are an international movement committed to the Transformational Values and the Leader’s Covenant without membership or boundaries.
We have the freedom to develop our own methods, processes and materials.
We celebrate national teams and leaders who take the MentorLink vision and values into any nation, church, mission or ministry they feel led to serve.
What holds us together?
We are held together in the fellowship of the Spirit through our common vision, values and relationships with key national and international leaders. Each partner ministry and leader is self-directing and self-resourcing.
How are we led?
Each partner ministry and leader is interdependent with others in the MentorLink movement. A Global Leadership Team = GLT of six to eight people guides the Round Table Fellowship = RTF – a group of approximately 40 selected people – and facilitates discussion and direction in international issues.
Global Leadership Team/GLT
The GLT exists to strengthen and advance the vision and values of the MentorLink movement as embodied in the Transformational Values and Leader’s Covenant:
- Maintain a movement-wide prayer initiative
- Select, strengthen, and equip the RTF members
- Conduct periodic international gatherings
- Facilitate RTF projects
- Monitor the commitment and adherence of RTF members
Round Table Fellowship/RTF
The RTF exists to catalyze and champion the MentorLink vision and values worldwide:
- Advance the MentorLink movement through sharing mentoring experiences, methods, and materials
- Approve the GLT periodically
- Approve strategic RTF projects to advance the MentorLink movement
- The expectations for a person to become or maintain membership in the RTF during a two-year renewable commitment include:- Serve as elder/example/model in the MentorLink community and worldwide
– Share prayer requests about one’s life and ministry
– Participate in online RTF gatherings
– Promote and participate in mentoring in one’s life and ministry
Ambassador category
- The purpose of MentorLink Ambassadors is to provide a place, platform, and role for past regional or international leaders to still contribute as they age or have reduced capacities
- The role of each Ambassador will vary depending on his or her gifts, capacities and availability, but the Ambassador does not carry on-going formal leadership functions within the movement. Ambassadors remain part of the Round Table Fellowship/RTF
Selecting the Global Leadership Team/GLT
- The GLT will generally consist of no fewer than six and no more than eight members.
- The existing GLT will review the need for new members periodically
- The potential new members will be asked by the GLT to consider prayerfully their willingness to serve on the GLT for a minimum of two years
- Periodically the RTF members will be informed of the proposed GLT members. The RTF members will be asked to state to the GLT chair any concerns and/or questions they may have about a GLT member
Design of the GLT
- Functional
– Prayer Initiator: Steve
– Project Coordinator: Marvin
– Shepherd: Herman
– Vision Keeper: Frode - Organizational
– GLT Chair: Steve
– GLT Recorder: Marvin
– GLT Members: Aila, Frode, Gérman, Herman, Manuel, Tim