Mentor Training in Mali

Mentor Training in Mali

In August, over 300 people from seven different denominations participated in a week-long training at a national Bible camp held in Mali, West Africa.   35 regional pastors and leaders focused specifically on the transformational values of Christian leadership. The...
Snapshots from Across the Globe

Snapshots from Across the Globe

Hear just a few stories of how God is working through MentorLink International around the world:     Japan and Taiwan: We have been meeting with Buddhist background believers and learning how communicate and contextualize the Gospel into their cultural setting. Pray...
Crossing the Language Barrier

Crossing the Language Barrier

A simple way to pass on the words of Jesus is to use Days with Jesus. Ada uses it in her home nation of Nigeria to reach villagers who don’t speak the same language she does.   “Where language may be a barrier to my service in raising Christlike believers...
Passing it On! Training in Chad

Passing it On! Training in Chad

A few weeks ago, Rene led a Passing it On! Training in Chad.      He writes, “God is moving and day by day. I’m more convinced that [through this] the Lord provided us with one of the real fruitful tools for Africa’s leadership development.”...
Follow Up: DWJ Group in Nigeria

Follow Up: DWJ Group in Nigeria

We recently featured Ada’s ministry of mentoring women using Days with Jesus in this article. Now, a few months later, we are revisiting Ada’s story. At the recent MLI Africa Gathering, Ada shared about her on-going ministry of mentoring women using Days...
MLI Africa Gathering

MLI Africa Gathering

In May, 35 leaders from 11 African countries gathered together to study the transformational values of leading like Jesus, to fellowship with one another, and to discern how to develop a Christ-like mentoring movement in Africa.   Each left with an action plan to...