MentorLink News

Mentoring Ministry in Nigeria

From our ministry partner, Timothy Olanade, serving faithfully in Nigeria: “Glory to God. This time last month some 80 leaders, in church, ministry, politics, professional business, both men and women gathered for the Mentor Development Gathering 2019. We were...

Open Doors for Days with Jesus in West Africa

Our ministry partner, Ada B, recently shared God’s faithfulness to her as she serves in West Africa. Through doors that the Lord has opened, Ada has been able to distribute Days with Jesus in the Fongbe language. One of these, a missionary in Seme, Benin, has invited...

Multiplying Mentors in the Philippines

Our partner, Roli, serving faithfully in the Philippines, recently shared some highlights from a recent seminar led by himself and his team.  In all, there were 63 participants that included 30 pastors and 33 church and youth leaders, coming from 18 different...

Nairobi: Passing it On to the Next Generation

We recently received a report from Bill Mann, a board member for MentorLink International, about his trip to Nairobi to conduct a Passing it On Seminar. About 50 people attended, of which 35 were church leaders. They spent time learning about MentorLink International,...