Nairobi: Passing it On to the Next Generation

We recently received a report from Bill Mann, a board member for MentorLink International, about his trip to Nairobi to conduct a Passing it On Seminar.

About 50 people attended, of which 35 were church leaders. They spent time learning about MentorLink International, the Passing it On seminar, 40 Days with Jesus and MentorLink Institute. The training took 6 hours each day, plus lunch and breaks. All speaking was translated into Swahili, which went very well, but naturally extended the time of each presentation and seminar. When it was discovered that the attendees would only have time to study 3 of the 5 Value Shifts, the translator held a discussion with the attendees, and they voted to come back in the morning to finish. Bill asked one of the female pastors if the exercises were too hard. She said no, and that she had such “joy that she was learning”.

After completing the last two value shifts, the church leaders did a separate session on the Leaders Covenant.

“I get it!”

Praise the Lord for comments like the one attendee who said “I get it”. The light went on and she understood the difference between leading like Jesus and what she was used to or had seen in her culture.

Please pray for all those who attended this seminar. That they will apply what they have learned in their lives and churches.