MentorLink News

MentorLink Around the World: Focus on India

Our partners in India have been sharing all of the exciting things the Lord is doing in and through them this year, and we are delighted to share them with you! One of our partners, Sam Sunder Singh, recently held a Leader's Covenant seminar at K.K. Nagar....

Where 2 or 3 or 20 or 200 are Gathered

India - We are happy to share another encouraging update with you from our partner, Sam Sunder Singh, the founder-president of New Life Community College in Chennai, India. Sam started this college back in 2007 in order to reach the less-privileged youth of Chennai....

Mentoring Women

Our faith is strengthened daily when we hear good news of God’s kingdom growing and learning! And this is why we love to share this information with you as well. We could not do what we do at MentorLink without you- and we wish for your faith to be strengthened and...