India – We are happy to share another encouraging update with you from our partner, Sam Sunder Singh, the founder-president of New Life Community College in Chennai, India. Sam started this college back in 2007 in order to reach the less-privileged youth of Chennai. Since then, over 1,300 people have gone through the college and have entered the workforce!
In our most recent email correspondence with Sam, he wrote to us about his trip to Krishnagiri, India, where he conducted a Leader’s Covenant seminar. This covenant was designed to hold leaders accountable to teaching and leading like Jesus did. The Leader’s Covenant itself is a simple, yet profound description of true spiritual leadership given in ten aspirational statements (complete with Scripture references) that leaders are encouraged to read, meditate on, and sign, showing their commitment to leading like Jesus. Sam led the seminar that was attended by 51 pastors and lay leaders. He received such good feedback that they decided to have two more Leader’s Covenant seminars this month!
Please pray with us for these attendees and the upcoming seminars this month.
Nigeria – Timothy Olonade recently hosted the “Kingdom Vanguards Bootcamp,” involving individuals from the UK and Canada, as well as Nigeria. This year’s theme was “Young Leaders and Youth Workers” and the goal of the bootcamp is to “inspire, motivate, and challenge young people to embrace Christ’s command to His followers to take a stand for and spread the faith they have in Him.” This conference involved the use of Bible studies that were focused on the essentials of true discipleship, a study on the Transformational Values (learn more here) which are included in MentorLink’s Passing It On! resource.
Timothy shared the great success of the conference and gratefully relayed the safety of everyone involved, the specific donations they received, and the “outpouring of the riches of God’s grace.” There were over 200 youths in just one of the centers hosting this conference and about the same number in the other centers! Praise God for a hungry generation being filled with the truth of the Bread of Life.
Please pray for these young people now that the bootcamp has finished for the year. Timothy writes: “Pray as we follow up with those who gave their lives to Christ and others who rededicated their lives to God’s service. Pray that God will help us to achieve the goal to turn today’s youth in missions into tomorrow’s Church in action as we mentor them.”
Thank you for your faithful prayers and encouragement!