MentorLink News

Renewed Focus for Women

Eleven women attended a Passing it On workshop and learned how to move from leading in the flesh toward leading more like Jesus. They spent time focusing on the character and heart of Jesus, and as a result, the women were challenged to evaluate themselves and admit...

The Power of Discipleship in El Salvador

In November, at a mentoring seminar in El Salvador, leaders received a powerful testimony of the impact of biblical discipleship     A discouraged Pastor A. had first attended this seminar a year ago and shared then how nothing was happening through his ministry. He...

YouVersion and Days with Jesus

YouVersion’s Bible App, launched in 2008, has steadily become one of the most widely downloaded Bible Apps. With over 300 downloads at the end of 2017, the YouVersion Bible App has been downloaded in every country of the world.     MentorLink International has been...

Spending Days with Jesus: Nigeria

Nigeria is spending Days with Jesus in a variety of ways. Just a few weeks ago, on Easter Sunday, a church Sunday School class in Nigeria (see image below) used Days 36-38 from 40 Days with Jesus as the focus of their lesson. Through those days, they witnessed the...