MentorLink News

Days with Jesus: Wolof

Praise the Lord for the completion of the 7 Days with Jesus: Grace materials in the Wolof language. This is a language spoken by about 5.2 million people in Africa, primarily in Senegal, Gambia and Mauritania.   Please pray for our team as we begin work on the 40 Days...

Keys to Winning with the Millennials

By: Bill Mann – In mid-June, former MLI Board Member, Bill Mann, traveled to Jos, Nigeria to speak at the mentoring conference, “Keys to Winning with the Millennials.” John Mark Hopson, a young man Bill has been mentoring for the past year, also attended the event and...

Shining God’s Light in Ghana

MentorLink International is pleased to announce a new ministry partner, Vineyard Media & Training Services (VMTS) - an indigenous Christian media organization committed to promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ through audio-visual productions across diverse...

40 DWJ Runyoro: Complete!

Runyoro is spoken as a first language by an estimated 670,000 people in Uganda.Would you join us in praying as our partner distributes this much-requested and much-needed discipleship material in areas that are eager to learn more of Jesus and His ways? How Can I...