By: Bill Mann –
In mid-June, former MLI Board Member, Bill Mann, traveled to Jos, Nigeria to speak at the mentoring conference, “Keys to Winning with the Millennials.” John Mark Hopson, a young man Bill has been mentoring for the past year, also attended the event and participated in several panel discussions.
We attended a conference sponsored by Timothy Olonade at his El-Rehoboth center in Jos. About 75 attendees came over the 4-day conference. We arrived a couple of days early and did some interaction with other groups that Timothy has connected with that are interested in mentoring. I spoke on mentoring the millennials and Generation Z which was well received.
One of the sessions was led by a panel of four millennials (there were 25 of them in attendance). It focused on the millennial perspective and their need to be engaged and to participate. John Mark Hopson was one of the four on the panel. It fostered a lot of questions by pastors who are trying to figure out how to reach the next generation.
The next generation is crying out for mature adults to invest in their lives. You can make a big difference, by being a mentor and encouraging others to join you as mentors.
Please pray as these pastors return to their churches and work on reaching the millennials in their communities. Pray for leaders and mentors to be raised up in this generation.
To read more of Bill’s reflections on the millennials conference, visit the MentorLink Blog. Specifically check out these two blog posts: Reaching Millennials and Out of Africa.