MentorLink News

Ministry in Lockdown

“A season of sadness and joy:” Timothy Olonade (our partner in Nigeria) has christened this present time. The accuracy of this solidifies when we see the numerous updates from ministry partners of MentorLink all over the globe. From online mentoring sessions in the...

New Resource: Leading Like Jesus!

Our mission continues, to disciple and mentor leaders and to supply them with the resources and information with which to shepherd God’s flock. Pastors, mentors, and other leaders within the Church uphold a great responsibility to the people they serve. As God’s...

Christ-Like Leadership

Koki Desai, MentorLink's partner in India, recently shared in a Webinar on how to be a Christ-like leader in a time of crisis. You can watch the video below.

Leading Like Jesus in a Crisis

Timothy Olonade, MentorLink's partner in Nigeria, recently shared in a Webinar on how to lead and mentor in a time of crisis. You can watch the video below. To download a copy of Timothy's paper, click here.