Our mission continues, to disciple and mentor leaders and to supply them with the resources and information with which to shepherd God’s flock. Pastors, mentors, and other leaders within the Church uphold a great responsibility to the people they serve. As God’s beloved children, were bought at a high price and we serve Him who is just and who cares deeply for us. Because of His great love and sacrifice, He places high importance and responsibility on the “overseers” who minister to us.
“Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.” Acts 20:28
Our newest curriculum for the Leaders’ Covenant is now available for free download! Entitled, “Leading Like Jesus,” this resource is a combination of three previously used resources, and has been refined for international use. It encompasses Transformational Values, The Leader’s Covenant, and the Leader’s Covenant Discussion Guide. Together, these resources are being used in small discussions and/or peer-mentoring groups to help leaders grow in the likeness of Jesus and how they serve Him, His people, and His Kingdom. To learn more, click here.