Give to the MentorLink Institute
Think of it, hundreds, perhaps thousands of leaders from all around the world, focusing on leading like Jesus and helping one another also do the same. Think of the difference this could make among the multitudes they influence and lead. Think of the multitudes Christ-centered leaders that will be developed as existing leaders learn the simplicity of multiplying leaders through mentoring.
MentorLink is spearheading this MentorLink Institute. We do not charge for the materials or the mentoring. But there are real costs to make all of this possible. We need financial sponsors to come alongside with their gifts.
There are two ways you can give to the MentorLink Institute:
• If you would like to contribute by credit card, click here to enter our secure, online payment option.
• If you prefer to contribute by check,
Make the check payable to MentorLink International in USD and mail to:
Administrative Office
MentorLink International
5550 Tech Center Dr., Suite 303
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
(719) 260-1213
Toll-Free (800) 531-4075
Thank you in advance for investing in the lives of multitudes of leaders!