MentorLink News

More DWJ Tools on JesusFilm Media App

Additional content and languages loaded on app and website Good news for smartphone users everywhere: 40 Days with Jesus and several languages have been loaded on The JesusFilm Media website and smartphone app! 40 DWJ in English, Chichewa, Spanish, Swahili, Mandarin...

More Stories from the Field

DWJ: French - West Africa (Senegal)The youth between [ages] 17 and 2- are interested. It is easy and it is short, good for devotion. They share the films with other friends. DWJ: French"First encounter with the life of Jesus. This training brought me closer to...

DWJ Mid-Year Update and Statistics

It's been a fruitful first half of the year for DWJ around the world. Praise God for a fruitful and a bountiful harvest. Stats at a Glance: In the Past Six Months: At least 44 people accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior after viewing Days with Jesus. Days...

New DWJ Tools on JesusFilm Media App

More content loaded on smartphone app and website Good news for smartphone users everywhere: 2 additional Days with Jesus tools have been loaded on The JesusFilm Media smartphone app! Jesus: Walk with Jesus and 8 Days with Jesus: Who is Jesus? join 3 other Days tools...