MentorLink News

Changing Hearts and Minds Through Mentoring

             Jesus was no stranger to hate and prejudice. He told His disciples, in John 15, “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the...

New Devotional on Leading in the Midst of Persecution

Last month we gathered virtually to hear from ministry leaders around the world. Here is the devotional from our Global Virtual Gathering. Watch the video below to see why one attendee shared "there were so many powerful moments!"

MentorLink’s Global Virtual Gathering 2020

On November 10th, 180 ministry and church leaders from around the world joined MentorLink International's first annual Global Virtual Gathering. Including speakers from China, Africa, Philippines, Norway, and Canada, it provided vision, practice and encouragement for...

Just Released! New Discipleship Book by David Toth

Attitude Shifts for Disciple Making: Applying Jesus' Four Attitudes Will Transform Your Disciple-Making Ministry is David Toth's new book, just released this August. Stacy Rinehart, founder and Chairman of the Board of MentorLink International has this to say, "Think...