MentorLink exists to develop leaders who lead like Jesus. Mentoring is an important instrument God uses in developing Christlike leaders and can take place in one-to-one or peer group relationships. To accelerate mentoring in the worldwide body of Christ, MentorLink has developed mentor training seminars and other resources that assist pastors and ministry leaders grow in their heart, character, values, and motives of living and leading like Jesus.
Leading Like Jesus is the combination of three proven resources developed and refined for international use. These three resources are:
The Transformational Values: These five value shifts are the basis for transformation from leading in the flesh and following the patterns of the culture to leading in the Spirit and following the ways of Jesus. They focus on changing leaders from the inside-out.
The Leader’s Covenant: Developed by MentorLink for the Lausanne Movement’s Cape Town 2010 Congress, this tool provides a simple, yet profound description of true spiritual leadership in ten aspirational statements with Scripture passages.
The Leader’s Covenant Discussion Guide: MentorLink’s Philippine National Director, Herman Moldez, used the Leader’s Covenant as a foundation and developed a discussion guide to help pastors and ministry leaders internalize the ways of Jesus in their own lives and leadership.
Pastor Doug Schmidt of Troy, Michigan, envisioned putting these three resources together to be used in small, peer-mentoring, discussion groups for pastors and other ministry leaders. He has mobilized groups that enthusiastically use these tools to help them in their walk with Jesus and their Kingdom ministry engagement. We are grateful that he took the idea several steps further by formatting and publishing this tool in booklet form and making it available to the Body of Christ without charge.
May Leading Like Jesus help you grow in the likeness of Jesus in the way you live and how you serve Him, His people, and His Kingdom.