MentorLink News

Free Download of Chapter 7 of Leading in Light of Eternity

“Something is wrong with us when we seldom raise this topic, address this issue, and take Jesus’s teaching seriously. Could it be that we are not leading in light of eternity? Could it be that there are more false leaders among us than we could imagine? Could it be...

Mentoring Leaders in Romania

On September 3rd -7th, Petru, the Romanian Director for MentorLink International, taught 50 pastors and their wives strategies for discipleship and mentoring. Pray for renewed visions and refreshed spirits as these church leaders return to their homes.   In November,...

Days with Jesus: Around the World!

Mexico September 12 – 19, Bill Mann will be traveling with a group from his church to serve a local family who are missionaries in Vallez, Mexico, a city of 400,000 people. They have one of the largest churches there and will be assisting with a 3-day forum covering a...

Did You Know MentorLink is on Instagram?

Any Instagram users out there? Follow us on @mentorlinkinternational! Share your prayer requests, see our prayer requests, and rejoice with our exciting ministry updates from around the world. You can even share your journey with Days with Jesus with us by using...