MentorLink News

MentorLink International in the Philippines

In September, our ministry partner led eleven seminars in Metro Manila, Laguna, Ilocos Sur, Ilocos Norte, Cagayan, Rizal, and Cagayan de Oro. There were 316 pastors, youth and church leaders that came from 119 churches. The seminar topics were: Burnout 101, Leaders...

Teaching Servant-Leadership in Vallez, Mexico

Bill Mann, former MLI board member and current MLI blogger, served at a leadership forum in Vallez, Mexico in September. Using Days with Jesus in Spanish, he taught how to be servant leaders and to lead like Jesus. There were 15 attendees who had the opportunity...

Happy 10th Birthday, YouVersion!

YouVersions’ the Bible App was officially introduced on July 10, 2008, when it debuted in Apple’s App Store as one of the very first apps available for the iPhone. But that was only the beginning…Far beyond the Bible App’s original Highlights, Bookmarks, and Notes...

Passing it On! in the Ukraine

God is using David and Sasha to catalyze a mentoring movement in the Ukraine. Pray for spiritual wisdom and understanding in their ministry and for their interactions with individuals and groups. Please pray for the attendees of a recent Passing it On! training they...