Sponsor a DWJ Language

Want to make Days with Jesus available in a new language?
We have an increased need for funding for DWJ languages. Our partnerships for new languages is outpacing our funding at this point. The current cost to produce DWJ in a new language: $5,000.
How can I help?
- Pray
With each language we undertake, we are working with multiple people (translators, volunteers, church leaders, project managers, etc.) and organizations. An incredible amount of detail and communication are constantly being exchanged. Additionally, many of our translators already have full time jobs and demanding schedules. They are often volunteering their scant free time to help translate DWJ.
- Spread the Word
Do you know of any individuals or churches who might want to undertake sponsoring a language? We’ve been blessed by several churches who have together “adopted” a language and raised funding for that language!
- Sponsor a Language
Every bit helps take Jesus to the farthest corners of the earth! Our costs cover the production and delivery of DWJ to grassroots, front-line church planters, denominations, and evangelists for distribution to their already-established networks.