What Partners Are Saying
“Numerous ministries speak about spiritual reproduction through transformation and character development. But how many really make it the focal point of what they do? MentorLink International does just that—as a unique band of genuine, authentic men and women who model Christ-like character and give their lives to reproduce the same.”
— Phil Arendt, Partners International
“MentorLink and Partners International has worked in a partnership equipping leaders of local missions, pastors and church planters in West Africa for two years. Today we can observe some tangible change and a beginning of a mentoring germ from different countries…I would like to thank God for starting opening West Africa leaders’ and pastors’ eyes to see the value of mentoring. May the Lord keep moving in the region so this mentoring process covers the whole region for his glory.”
— Rene Mbongo, West Africa Director, Partners International
“The most attractive aspect of MentorLink’s vision is its strong emphasis on spirituality, a genuine heart to serve, befriend, support and encourage other people to walk more closely with the Lord, in His terms rather than ours.”
— Gina Bulica, Romania