This year, our partner, Sam Sunder Singh, has continued his calling to lead hold Leader’s Covenant Seminars in India and has begun to see graduates of his training go our and lead seminars on their own.
In April, 40 pastors and ministry leaders attended a Seminar in Tamil, led by his mentee (pictured top, left).
Later that month, in Cheiyyur, his mentee Pastor Gnnaselvakumar held a seminar for 27 village leaders who work in 32 villages through house churches (pictured bottom, left).
“they were well-motivated, interactive, prayerful, with eagerness to learn and a passion to reach out to neighboring villages”
In Chengelpet, 48 pastors attended a seminar led by Sam and Pastor Caleb. Sam described the attendees as “a beautiful group of Pastors, committed men of God, and a passionate group for the King of Kings.” At the end of each unit the pastors sang songs of worship and prayerfully committed themselves to transformational leadership.