In a recent email, Huldah Bitengo, one of our partners in Narok, Kenya, shared about her group’s successful completion of both Passing it On! and Leaders Follow Jesus, the first module in the MentorLink Institute. MentorLink International designed this for people who wish to develop their Christ-like leadership and discipleship skills. This seminar helps people acquire the heart, attitudes, motives, and character of a true Christ-centered leader. Huldah reports that five people attended and completed this first seminar and that it was an encouragement to everyone involved. They were all thrilled to receive completion certificates to commemorate the occasion.
Huldah was excited to share that a second group of 6 people registered for the next seminar that is already underway.
Please pray that these attendees seek opportunities to lead like Christ and develop discipleship relationships in their community.
We are happy to share another encouraging update from our partner, Sam Sunder Singh, in Chennai, India. In a recent email correspondence, Sam shared that the Vellore Seminar welcomed a large group of pastors and went very well. In 2022 alone, Sam hosted 15 seminars ministering to 793 pastors through the generous support of MentorLink International donors. Thank you for continuing to partner with Sam and his team as he offers encouragement to his community.
Please pray for upcoming seminars and the ongoing ministry of Sam and the attending pastors