
Whether it is through a new language translation of one of our resources, or a new partners requesting to use our resources at their live trainings and events, we are so excited to see how God is using MentorLink!

This month we were approached by Iran Alive Ministries for permission to use Days with Jesus.

Iran Alive Ministries works to strengthen and encourage Farsi-speaking believers in Iran and around the world using satellite broadcast, social media, leadership training, ministry partnerships, a call center for questions, and church planting.

Iran Alive Ministries Website

They will be broadcasting 40 Days With Jesus on their 24/7 TV channel – with an audience of over 6 million within Iran, and a total reach of 130 million viewers!

Days with Jesus, our most popular video discipleship series, provides short video segments, with thought-provoking questions, to help people learn more about how Jesus wants us to live, lead, and influence people!

What an amazing opportunity, and we are so thankful to see God working!