From webinars to small groups, the last year has changed the way we connect around the world. New doors have opened, from reaching and mentoring key Arabic-speaking leaders, to mentoring and training pastors and church leaders from the same country, who live great distances from one another.
In the Philippines, with continued retrictions that severely limit travel, the mentor training and pastoral training has continued to grow by leaps and bounds as they incorporate online meetings to their in-person leadership development. Pastor Roli shares his monthly mentor training webinar with more people joining as they seek to lead and develop leaders who Lead Like Jesus.
Sujoy Gurung from Sikkim, the Himalyan state of India, emailed us to share how God is changing hearts and minds in India. He says, “I came across your resources Passing it On! at Ramesh Richard Global Congress in Bangkok in 2016. Since then I have been using your powerful resources to train and equip local churches, small groups, and next generation leaders.” He is involved in coaching, mentoring, and equipping key leaders and next generation leaders in local church settings as well as outside of the church.
Alemayehu Goshu, from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia shared that he was able to take a group of 24 government officials through the Passing it On! materials last month. He is seeing tremendous change not only in their professional lives, but also in their personal and family lives!
Learn more about Passing it On!