MentorLink Around the World: Colombia

Numerous updates have been shared from our MentorLink partners all around the world about the effects of COVID-19 on the Church as restrictions on gatherings and the closing of the brick and mortar churches have been imposed.

Our most recent update of such challenges comes from Colombia and MentorLink Voluntariado. Colombia has had over 11,000 confirmed cases and churches in will not open until the end of the year, putting more burdens on the leaders and other believers there. MentorLink partners in Colombia are changing the way they minister and lead pastors and ministry leaders. Through the use of virtual resources, they will host training classes with 7 Days with Jesus: Walk with Jesus and 40 Days with Jesus. They ask for prayer for this new challenge of expanding MentorLink through the virtual classroom with the participation of about 50 churches across the country.

Please pray specifically for the development of purposeful churches in Bogota, Cali, Medellin, and Sucre, and continue to ask the Lord to aid the believers oversees who are facing the challenges of growing as disciples in the midst of lockdown.