For 4 days, global leaders of MentorLink, representing 15 nations, met together to share testimonies, pray for one another, learn from each other, celebrate the Lord’s Supper and have a foot-washing ceremony. The seminar topics covered mentoring, equipping and empowering using Passing it On!, the dangers of the prosperity gospel, servant leadership, how to use Days with Jesus, the dangers of false teachers, an introduction to MentorLink Institute, the Leaders’ Covenant and Transformational Values Shifts, the need for an attitude shift in disciple-making, organizationalism, brokenness in leadership development, and how to select a leadership team.
Stacy Rinehart, founder of MentorLink said “We prayed together, shared our hearts and stories and discussed many topics of importance for developing Christ-like leaders. Every time we gather, the Spirit surprises us with an emphasis we did not see beforehand. This time it was the strength our brothers and sisters from Africa have for addressing false leaders in their continent.”
Steve Irvin, one of the attendees shared, “During the week in Kenya, one of our colleagues shared a summary statement of what he believes to be Jesus’ philosophy of ministry: “Think big. Start small. Go Deep.” Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost. His vision was as big as the kingdom of God. But He started small with just a band of disciples he called apostles.”
Please pray with us for all who attended, that they would feel refreshed and filled with new purpose as they return to their ministries.