Global Impact Continues

India, Nigeria, Colombia, Senegal, Mali, Philippines, Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic and Ethiopia are just a few of the many places we know of where direct MentorLink training has occurred in the last several months.


Pictured is the Mentorlink team in Gujarat, India. They are discussing the “Passing It On” manual in preparation to conducting “Mentoring Christ like leaders” training events in May and June. Also pictured is the ad being used by our partner in Ecuador.

Starting this month, they will be using Days with Jesus for a “movie night,” with neighbors and friends. For 40 days, the community will see the video and discuss questions that will help them reflect, discuss, and apply to their own lives principles and lessons from the life of Jesus.

In April, thirty hand-picked leaders from the Gulf States of Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, U.A.E and Bahrain were trained in prayer and in discipling others using Days with Jesus. Whatever MentorLink can do to serve followers of Jesus in this part of the world will pay huge dividends in their lives. They are so hungry – a better word would be “starved” – for Jesus-focused input.