“Last October, I joined a discussion group on the topic ‘Leaders Follow Jesus,’ and the five transformational values we discussed made an indelible mark in my life.” – Bami
Bami is one of five professionals who formed a peer group within the MentorLink Institute. Groups meet weekly via Skype. Each meeting lasts about 1.5 hours and requires 1.5 hours of guided preparation from a PDF document.

Peer groups involve a facilitated discussion where members share what the Holy Spirit is teaching them from their personal studies and experience. Members often value the experience of learning from and with each other.
Bami writes, “As a young leader, I desire to serve and lead others, following Jesus’ model, but I can handpick [only a] few leaders who truly fit this model of Jesus.”
“Having others (in the group) share their journey with Jesus humbly and vulnerably, and their desire to serve and lead like Jesus warmed my heart. I jumped at the opportunity to discuss and learn what it takes to be mentored and mentor others.
“I shouldn’t keep this to myself” I said;
so I shared this opportunity with my friends.”
After the first session, one [of my friends] said, “This is a one-of-a-kind discussion. Thank you for sharing this with us.”
Bami continues, “Our desire as we round out this module discussion is to be transformed by Jesus Himself, and be soaked with the values that will enable us to serve and lead like Jesus. We hope to help others learn this, as well.”
Find out more about the MentorLink Institute and how you can be part of a peer group here.