MentorLink International recently partnered with several local West African churches to hold a day of mentoring training in Ivory Coast. Ivory Coast, or officially the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, is a country located in West Africa bordered by Guinea, Liberia, Burkina Faso, Mali and Ghana.
With a total of 70 attendees, this training was focused specifically on training and developing leaders, a great need in West Africa.
“According to what I discovered during this training, leaders from the church (pastors, elders and youth leaders) are not thinking of preparing…future leaders,” observed one presenter.
“The concept of mentoring is [non-existent].”
And sadly, because leaders are not preparing, developing or planning for new leaders, they often stay in the same ministry — even if they know that God is calling them to another ministry.
“[To them it] looks in a prison because they don’t have choice to move from where they are.“
It is our prayer, however, that training events such as this one, will introduce leaders to the concept of mentoring and discipleship, and also train and equip them to develop additional godly leaders.
Please join us in praying for these and many other leaders around the world – that God will move in the hearts of these men and women as they apply what they have learned in their own churches.
“We want to see a new generation of sound, servant leaders.”