Ada recently shared this story of how she is using Days with Jesus in Nigeria.
I recently asked a dozen women to do a 40 Days with Jesus study with me. Each woman was to prepare a notebook with her answers to each Day’s questions, and then the group would meet together to discuss each lesson.
To help develop a close-knit group and to foster maximum benefit for the group, I had each participant commit to answering the questions each Day and come prepared to discuss the Day’s lesson. Out of respect for others in the group, a participant would be asked leave the group (and join another when she was able to fully commit) if she could not complete the assignments for three lessons.
None of the 12 women dropped out of the group; they unanimously said that the Days with Jesus group meant too much to them and they wanted to be engaged and involved.
Women also began sharing how they were using 40 Days with Jesus outside the group: some were using DWJ with their families; a missionary said she was using WhatsApp to share it with other women, including Muslim converts; others shared it informally with friends.
Our 40 Days with Jesus just ended. Each of these women learned on their own, and their lives were changed.
“I didn’t have to preach to them – they got it all on their own and the spiritual growth was real and tangible!” Ada exclaimed.

As the group ended, Ada made one request of the women – she asked that each woman start her own 40 Days with Jesus small group, each with six or so other women. The women enthusiastically took up the challenge!
We look forward to hearing more reports and stories of how this first group of 12 will expand and multiply in the days ahead. Praise the Lord!