By: Marvin Brubacher
From March 18 – April 4, I traveled to three colleges in the Philippines: Baptist Bible Seminary and Institute (BBSI) near Metro Manila; Fellowship Baptist College (FBC) in Kabankalan, Negros Occidental Island; and Doane Baptist Seminary (DBS) in Iloilo City on Iloilo Island. FBC is a Christian university with 1400+ students studying in many professional degrees; BBSI (350 students) and DBS (160 students) are Bible colleges, primarily training pastors, church staff, and missionaries.

At each school, I gave the graduation message and also conducted leadership seminars and consulted for 1-2 days with their boards and the president including senior administrators. At each school, I helped them develop working plans to improve their individual effectiveness as leaders, to build stronger boards, and to increase trust between the staff and the board.

I will continue to provide accountability by Skype and email during the year to ensure they are following through on their plans and in anticipation of a return next year. I also enjoyed a special visit with Herman Moldez, the leader of MentorLink Philippines, and his wife, Mercy.