Last winter, MentorLink International and Partners International hosted several days of mentor training focused on the foundations for a Christ-like leadership movement. The goal of these sessions was to equip leaders with biblical values, strategies and practices for personal transformation, a change in the organization, and the mulitplication of ministry.
“This training helped me understand the importance of intentional multiplication.”

With an average attendance of 30+ people per day, representing 12 denominations, this training gave attendees a clear vision of the essentials regarding the concept of leadership according to Jesus.
“Very good training, very rich. A useful tool for a new awakening in Congo.”
As a result of these three days of training, several attendees have set up a committee that will actively oversee the multiplication of leaders in Congo. Their desire is to address the real need for Christ-like leaders in their society and intentionally provide training for local pastors and church leaders, with the intent of multiplying Christ-like leaders throughout the country.
Would you pray with us for these leaders
and for the multiplication of Christ-like leaders throughout this country?