Around the World!

This summer takes MentorLink around the globe for training events and workshops. We invite you to pray with us over these upcoming events and gatherings.


    MentorLink Canada will be conducting a 4-day Passing it On! Seminar in Ethiopia this summer. ML Canada is partnering with a large church denomination to bring Christ-centered vision and training to the leadership teams of over 8,500 churches. This can only be accomplished by training the trainers – a consistent practice of MentorLink.

    Would you please pray for safety in travels and wisdom and clarity as we guide discussions and present biblical truths? Would you also pray for God to bring the desired results — a commitment to develop leaders who live and lead like Jesus?  

    Timothy trains and speaks on the ways of leading like Jesus around the world. He is preparing for a gathering of mentors at the end of July in Nigeria. Pray for resources for this gathering and the Spirit’s leading.

    Frode is heading up a two-year mentor based program for young leaders 25-40 years of age.

    We will be conducting a Passing it On! seminar this summer. Pray for people to embrace the ways of leading like Jesus and multiplying leaders.

    Our partners are scheduled to participate in a Latin American regional gathering in Colombia. Pray for those who are coordinating this event where some 40 practitioners from different Spanish-speaking countries will come together to speak into one another’s lives and ministries, and consider how to catalyze the development of Christ-like leaders in this region. We need wisdom from Above for this very strategic meeting.

    Our ministry partners will be teaching at an event for pastors in Argentina. Please pray for them as they prepare the logistics for this event, that the Lord would supply all their needs, and that many pastors will be captured by the vision of leading like Jesus.