North Carolina Ministry Events

This past week, MentorLink International had the pleasure of hosting several events featuring Timothy and Hannah Olonade from Nigeria.


(Left to right: Timothy and Hannah, Board Member and Founder with spouses and the Olonades, Timothy speaking at a local church)

Timothy is the former Executive Secretary of the Nigeria Evangelical Missions Association. He travels and speaks around the world about missions and developing leaders for the Kingdom. He lives what he preaches by focusing on mentoring younger leaders. He and his wife, Hannah, live in Jos, Nigeria.

“Timothy hit it out of the ballpark.
Best missions challenge I’ve heard in years and years.”

The Olonades are an example of how MentorLink International works together with local church denominations, national leaders and organizations to distribute Days with Jesus and share biblical leadership training materials and methodology. Our approach is to use indigenous leaders and train them to pass it on to others, providing them with tools and resources.


(Left to right: Timothy sharing with a group, Timothy presented at a luncheon)

The Olonades also shared about the move of God in Africa at various functions and also presented at several local churches.

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