About 1,292 people groups in the world have no Gospel influence among them. This represents milllions of people who do not know Jesus.
Partners International has been working for the past three years on taking the Gospel to the Jula people group – a people group located in Ghana, West Africa. The Jula are predominately Muslim, with no known Christian witnesses among them.
Partners International has kicked off a campaign to raise over $60,000 to cover their estimated three-year cost to take the Gospel to this people group. As part of their strategy, Partners International has partnered with MentorLink International to take Days with Jesus to the Jula people!
Independent of their projected costs to make this happen, MentorLink International also incurs cost with each new DWJ language we produce – roughly $8,000 per language.
Would you prayerfully consider supporting our efforts to make DWJ available in Jula?
We would love to provide this powerful discipleship tool to those committed to reaching the Jula people with the Good News! For more information on ways to support MentorLink International, both prayerfully and financially, click here.
To see all DWJ languages and tools currently available, visit our Days with Jesus page.