The Ascent Church takes 40 DWJ: Swahili to Kenya
In August 2013, The Ascent Church of Monument, Colorado, took 40 Days with Jesus: Swahili to Kenya. Partnering with Seeds Ministries in Kitale, Kenya, distribution of DWJ focused on pastors and children.
Forty-five rural pastors (and many of their wives) gathered in a remote area of Kenya to attend training sessions led by The Ascent Church’s mission team. The training focused on developing local leadership within village churches and providing biblical resources in their native language. Several DWJ segments were shown and pastors were taught how to use the material to lead small discussion groups. Forty-five microSD cards and a dozen DVDs with the Days with Jesus material were distributed to the pastors, and within minutes, many pastors had the cards inserted into their phones and were watching Days with Jesus in Swahili.
“There was incredible excitement in the room with pastors indicating they couldn’t wait to begin sharing the materials with others via Bluetooth.”
The missions team from The Ascent Church also ministered to 350+ children and staff at Seeds Academy (pre-K through grade 5) through simple Sunday School lessons and activities. The afternoon rains caused the team to focus more on indoor activities. The team painted a white screen on one of the walls and found the kids LOVED watching 40 Days with Jesus in Swahili.
The kids would pile into the room and chant, “One more, one more!” begging us to show more segments.
The children would read the questions at the end of each video segment and discuss what they had seen and heard. They enjoyed it so much that the school staff asked the mission team to leave a copy of the 40 Days with Jesus DVD so they could continue the cinema and discussion time after the team left.
Praise God for how He is moving!